HC Deb 10 April 1935 vol 300 cc1294-6

Amendments made In page 247, line. 14, after "land," insert "situate."

In line 14, leave out "to any person not," and insert "and owned by a person."

In line 17, after "area," insert "to any person not belonging to any such class."—[Sir S. Hoare.]

Motion made, and Question proposed.

"That the Clause, as amended, stand: part of the Bill."

10.56 p.m.


I have an Amendment on the Paper to this Clause which has not been called, and I wish to point out that Sub-section (2) is apparently intended to check to some extent the right of any landowner to sale or mortgage his land. I suggest that the Sub-section is framed in terms which are too comprehensive.


I do not know whether the hon. Member realises it or not but he is raising a point which was debated on the corresponding Clause in the India part of the Bill and that is why his Amendment was not selected.


Speaking on the Question, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill," I only wish to point out that the purpose of my Amendment was to safeguard bona fide sales and mortgages entered into before any such—


I must point out that there is an agreement that matters which have been settled on the India Clauses of the Bill are not to be further discussed on the Burma Clauses, unless there is some difference in regard to them as between Burma and India.


I raised this point on Clause 279 in the India part of the Bill, and it was suggested that I might bring it up again on this Clause, because the application is different in Burma from what it is in India.

10.58 p.m.


To do the hon. Member justice I think it is right to say that when he raised this matter previously, he was referred to this Clause in the Burma section of the Bill. I think he has a substantial point which is of interest to the community in question. I believe that on the earlier Clause his point was covered by a reference to Sub-section (3) of Clause 280. In this case we shall investigate whether his point is covered by a corresponding Sub-section of a. corresponding Clause, namely, 436. In any case I think the subject will need a certain amount of investigation. On my assurance that I will look into it and bring it to the attention of my right hon. Friend I hope he will not press the matter further at this stage.


I wish to thank the hon. Gentleman for his undertaking.

Clauses 436 to 438 ordered to stand part of the Bill.