HC Deb 05 April 1935 vol 300 cc678-80

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has any statement to make concerning the death, in London, of Dr. Dora Fabian and Fraulein Matilda Wurm?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Captain Crookshank)

No, Sir. These deaths will be investigated by the coroner in the ordinary course.


In view of the statements made by responsible organs of the Press this morning, connecting these deaths with the activities of foreign, secret, political societies in this country, may I ask my hon. and gallant Friend to give the House an assurance that every step will be taken to ascertain the facts in order that we may be quite sure, and he may make it clear, that political crime will not be tolerated in England?


Yes, Sir; it is the duty of the coroner to find out the facts.


But is it not the function of the coroner to discover the cause of death, and not to enter into these other matters that have been mentioned by my hon. Friend?


That is quite true, but, if the allegations to which my hon. and gallant Friend has referred have anything in them, they would naturally come before the coroner.


Will my hon. and gallant Friend give an assurance that he will investigate these allegations, in view of the fact that the "Times" and other responsible newspapers are putting a sinister connection on the deaths of these ladies?


Assuming that the coroner feels that his duty confines him to ascertaining the cause of death, will the Home Office recognise any responsibility in respect of these statements and make the enquiry for which the hon. and gallant Member asks?