HC Deb 03 April 1935 vol 300 c346

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether any decision has yet been reached as to the establishment of a broadcasting station in Jamaica; whether it is proposed that such station should serve the whole of the West Indies; and whether he will give the scheme every encouragement, in order to diminish the reliance of the West Indies on programmes and radio apparatus from the United States of America?


My latest information in the matter is that, following upon a motion in the Jamaica Legislative Council, a local committee was to be appointed to examine the whole question of broadcasting in the colony. Pending the report of this committee and its consideration by the Government of Jamaica, no decision is being taken as to the establishment of a broadcasting station in Jamaica; but I can assure my hon. Friend that I am always anxious to encourage the establishment of such stations in the colonies where circumstances permit. I may add that I am informed that recent reports received by the British Broadcasting Corporation show that the direct reception in Jamaica of the daily transmissions from the Empire Station at Daventry is now excellent.

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