§ 2. Mr. ANNESLEY SOMERVILLEasked the Secretary of State for India whether there are any retired officers of the British Army part of whose pensions are chargeable to Indian revenues?
§ Mr. BUTLERYes, Sir. A share of the retired pay of all British Army officers who have served in India, proportionate to the length of their service in that country, is borne by Indian revenues.
§ 9. Mr. T. SMITH (for Mr. LUNN)asked the Secretary of State for India whether he will publish a statement giving the total amount payable as pensions in the United Kingdom out of Indian revenues, also a list of the pensioners, ecclesiastical, military, civil, and others, receiving these pensions, and the amount in each case?
§ Mr. BUTLERThe amounts paid in this country to the various classes of pensioner are at present shown in the published accounts of the Government of India. In this connection I would refer the hon. Member to the replies given on 6th and 10th December last to the hon. Member for Normanton (Mr. T. Smith). As the officers drawing pension number between eight and nine thousand, the compilation and publication of a detailed list would involve considerable Labour which my right hon. Friend would not feel justified in imposing on his staff.