HC Deb 27 November 1934 vol 295 cc681-2

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to the arrival in Tanganyika of Commander von Schonfeld, who bears the title of leader of the German Socialist party for all Tanganyika; and what is the object of the visit of this gentleman to the mandated territory?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister)

I am aware that Captain Schonfeld, who left Tanganyika for Germany at the beginning of this year, has returned to the Territory, and that he became President of the Deutscher Bund in Tanganyika last April. A careful watch is being kept on the activities of this organisation and of Captain Schonfeld, and I am satisfied that the Government of Tanganpika will not fail to take any action that may be necessary to deal with any improper activities should such be attempted.


May I ask whether this Gentleman is in a mandated territory with the approval of the League of Nations?


It is not necessary to have the approval of the League of Nations to enter a mandated territory, and this man, as a matter of fact, was a resident in Tanganyika for some years before the War and has spent a considerable time there since. The important thing is that if he attempts to engage in any improper activities he will be properly dealt with.


Is it not the fact that he has been adopting improper activities for some time, and will the right hon. Gentleman see that the same policy is applied to him as was applied by the South Africa Parliament to a similar emissary of the Nazi Government and have him turned out as soon as possible?


The Governor in whom I have complete confidence is keeping the closest watch on this gentleman's activities and on the organisation. I have complete confidence that the Governor will decide wisely as to whether the, bounds are transgressed, and, if they are, he will take appropriate action?


May I ask whether the association is formed for the purpose of propaganda?