HC Deb 14 November 1934 vol 293 c1931

Ordered, That the Standing Orders relating to Private Business be amended as follows: Standing Order 227, line 16, leave out from 'Bill,' to end of the Standing Order. After Standing Order 227, insert new Standing Order 227a:

  1. (1) The Promoters of an opposed Private Bill or a Bill to confirm a Provisional Order or Certificate which is opposed shall be heard before the Committee on such Bill by themselves, their Counsel or Agents in favour of the Bill and against any Petitions against the Bill which stand referred to the Committee under Standing Order 227.
  2. (2) Any Petitioners whose Petitions stand referred as aforesaid shall, subject to the Rules and Orders of the House, and to the Prayer of their Petition, be heard upon their Petition by themselves, their Counsel or Agents if they think fit."

Ordered, "That this Order be a Standing Order of the House."—[The Deputy Chairman.]