§ 25. Mr. CHORLTONasked the Under-Secretary of State for Air, in view of the need for very high fuel economy in the long flights of Empire air services, for which duty the oil engine is a necessity, what steps he is taking to have an air-mail machine put in service powered by such an engine at an early date?
§ Sir P. SASSOONAs my hon. Friend is aware, the Air Ministry have for some time been taking an active part in the development of heavy oil engines. I am glad to say that one type has recently passed its type test and been flown successfully and is available now for actual use in civil aviation. I am not prepared to agree, particularly in view of recent improvements in the petrol engine, that Empire air services can only be satisfactorily performed with heavy oil engines; Imperial Airways, Limited, are however, free to adopt whichever type is best suited to their needs, taking all relevant factors into account.
§ Mr. CHORLTONIn view of the fact that this engine has been in the same state for years, may I ask whether it is satisfactory to have so indefinite a reply and whether on so important a matter as this we ought not to have many flying instead of just one?
§ Sir P. SASSOONWe have made progress during the last year or so, and the hon. Member knows the difficulties we have to encounter. I believe that he is 1948 more satisfied with the reply than he appears to be.
§ Mr. CHORLTONI am obliged to the Under-Secretary for anticipating my satisfaction, but can he promise that we shall have a flight during the next 12 months?
§ Sir P. SASSOONI hope so.
§ Mr. KIRKWOODThe right hon. Member says that one heavy oil engine was successful; can he tell the House the name of the manufacturers?
§ Sir P. SASSOONI do not think I can do so at the moment.
§ Mr. PALINGHas it not recently been stated in the Press that the French authorities are offering high prizes in order to improve the heavy oil type of engine? Can the right hon. Member say whether the authorities in this country are doing something on the same lines?
§ Sir P. SASSOONWe realise the importance of this type of engine.
§ Mr. KIRKWOODCan the right hon. Member tell us the country of origin of this engine?