HC Deb 08 November 1934 vol 293 c1273
56. Mr. MANDER

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will consider the advisability of giving some guidance as to hat is considered a satisfactory fitting within the regulaton governing the carrying of children on bicycles?

Captain A. HUDSON

Parliament has decided that not more than one person may be carried on a pedal cycle, "unless it is constructed or adapted for the carriage of more than one person." It is for the courts, and not for the Minister, to determine in any particular case whether a cycle is so "constructed or adapted," and he could not, therefore, properly accede to the suggestion of the hon. Member.


Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that people who are in the habit of taking their children to school on bicycles do not know whether they are breaking the law or not; And could not some guidance be given them by the Minister on this important question?

Captain HUDSON

I will convey that suggestion to the Minister, and see if anything can be done.