HC Deb 17 May 1934 vol 289 cc1918-9

asked the Home Secretary whether he has considered the list sent to him from the rodeo protest committee, of over 500 representatives and distinguished people, who desired that the persons and animals employed in the proposed rodeo should be refused permission to enter this country; whether he has acceded to the request to receive a deputation on the subject; whether any of the rodeo personnel have already arrived in this country; and whether be will issue immediate instructions that they be returned to their respective countries?


Yes, Sir, I received the list on the 10th instant. So far as I am aware, none of the participants in the proposed rodeo have as yet arrived in this country, but as it was necessary to come to an immediate decision it has not been possible for me to arrange to receive a deputation from the committee referred to. Having received a definite assurance from the promoters that the provisions of the new Protection of Animals Bill will be strictly observed, I have decided, after consultation with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour, that facilities for the participants to come to the United Kingdom may be given.


Is there anybody in this country, apart from the promoters of this show, who want these things to come to this country?