HC Deb 15 May 1934 vol 289 cc1623-4
64. Dr. HOWITT

asked the Minister of Agriculture the production, respectively, of butter, eggs, cheese, bacon, and milk in the United Kingdom in the year 1930 and in the year 1933, or the latest available year?


I regret I am unable to furnish my hon. Friend with the comparative figures for which he has asked. I am, however, circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement giving certain information which is available and which may be of assistance.

Following is the statement :

Complete information for the years referred to is not available for Northern Ireland.

Estimated Production of the Undermentioned Commodities.
Commodity. Year. Quantity.
Million gallons.
Milk (a) 1930–31 1,425.5 Cwt.
Butter (b) 1930–31 797,200
Cheese (b) 1930–31 1,221,800
Bacon and hams (c) 1930 1,350,000 Millions.
Eggs (d) 1930–31 2,886,8
(a) Exclusive of milk fed to livestock. On the assumption that the average yield per cow has remained unaltered since 1930–31 the total production would have been 1,516,8 million gallons in 1932–33.
(b) Total of factory and farm production. Estimates made by the Reorganisation Commission for Milk on the basis of the results of the Agricultural Census of 1930–31 and the Industrial Census of 1930. No estimates for later years have been made.
(c) Separate estimates regarding bacon not available. Estimated by the Reorganisation Commission for Pigs and Pig Products from the Industrial Censuses of 1924 and 1930. The figure excludes a certain amount of pigmeat cured by country butchers.
(d) Exclusive of eggs used for hatching and production on allotments, private gardens, etc. Eggs estimated to have been used for hatching in 1930–31 amounted to 79 million in England and Wales and 10.6 million in Scotland. On the assumption that the average yield per bird has remained unaltered since 1930–31 the production in 1932–33 would have been 3,407 million.