§ 40. Captain ELLISTONasked the First Commissioner of Works if he is aware that parties of elementary school children are only conveyed by railway companies to London, at excursion rates, on days other than Fridays; and whether he will secure the necessary change in the regulations to permit the free admission of such parties to the Tower of London on these other days?
§ Mr. ORMSBY-GOREBy arrangement with the Tower authorities, Friday is the only day upon which parties of school children are admitted to the Tower without payment. I am afraid that it would be impracticable to admit parties free on other days, but organised parties, on giving due notice, are admitted on reduced terms. I regret that, in view of the cost of maintenance, it is not possible to increase the number of free days at present, but I am willing to take up with the Tower authorities the possibility of changing Friday to some other day of the week.
§ Captain ELLISTONWill the right hon. Gentleman realise that his decision is causing keen disappointment among parents, especially in Lancashire towns, 1453 who have been denying themselves for months in order to enable their children to visit this historic place?
§ Mr. ORMSBY-GOREIt is not my decision. It has been the practice for some years, and you cannot change these free days for the public in a hurry. I am sorry that Lancashire people cannot come on a Friday, as do most children.
§ Captain ELLISTONDoes the right hon. Gentleman realise that the denial of this concession is regarded by Lancashire parents as a refusal to their children of a privilege long enjoyed by the children of London and the home counties?
§ Mr. ORMSBY-GOREThe hon. and gallant Member must see that it is not easy to change existing arrangements, and I am sorry that the railway company and the Lancashire education authority have not been able to come to terms and bring their children on a free day. I am willing to go into the question with the Tower authorities to change the day, but it cannot be done just because a particular excursion has been arranged on another day.