HC Deb 14 May 1934 vol 289 cc1446-7

asked the Minister of Agriculture what is the latest information at his disposal with regard to the increase in foul brood amongst bees in various parts of the country; if he can state how many other countries have legislated against foul brood; and what steps he has taken to ascertain the desires of British beekeepers with regard to the question of introducing legislation to deal with this bee disease in Great Britain?


I am advised that foul brood in bees is extending; it is especially prevalent in North Wales and in the south-western English counties. Legislation against the disease is in force in some 20 countries. Similar legislation has twice been introduced into Parliament, but on each occasion it was withdrawn owing to the opposition of certain sections of the industry. Inquiries have been made within the last 18 months, when it was found that there is still great diversity of opinion within the industry as to the desirability of legislation.