HC Deb 09 May 1934 vol 289 cc1078-80

asked the Minister of Transport whether the conditions for the supply of electricity and any alterations thereto issued to consumers by electricity undertakers receive examination and sanction by the Electricity Commissioners or any other authority?


Certain conditions of supply are laid down by the Acts or Orders of the undertakers and by the statutory regulations applicable to the undertaking, but there are necessarily a number of conditions made in the ordinary course of business by commercial undertakings such as electricity undertakings, which are not required to be submitted for approval before being made.


As these are monopoly companies, surely some authority ought to exercise a check upon the conditions under which they supply the consumer?


Parliament has laid down certain conditions under which this monopoly may operate, and no conditions which they attached that were contrary to the statutory conditions would be allowed to exist.


Is it not time that the hon. Gentleman got his Parliamentary powers extended in this matter, so that efficient and cheap electricity may be available in all parts of the country?


As between the various powers which the companies possess under their Acts, and the submissions which they have to make to the Electricity Commissioners, is there any table which shows what is included and what is left out?

25. Mr. G. PETO

asked the Minister of Transport whether the Electricity Com missioners or any other authority take steps to see that electricity undertakers observe the terms of their Act or Order and any subsequent regulations issued by the Commissioners?


In common with other bodies exercising statutory powers, electricity undertakers are under statutory obligation to observe the terms of their Act or Order and appropriate regulations, which are public documents and accessible to any interested parties. If the attention of the Electricity Commissioners is drawn to any case of alleged non-compliance, they would, of course, investigate the matter.

26. Mr. G. PETO

asked the Minister of Transport what steps are taken to enable the consumer to know the conditions on which electricity undertakers have obtained their Act or Order and any subsequent regulations of the Electricity Commissioners?


Where an application is made for statutory powers to supply electricity, a definite procedure has to be followed involving the giving of public notices : The Act or Order when granted, and any statutory regulations applicable to the undertaking, become public documents which are accessible to any interested parties. Undertakers are also required to keep copies of the regulations at their principal office within their area of supply, and to supply a copy thereof to any person demanding the same on payment of the price of the published regulations.


Can the Minister tell us if any steps have been taken to inform consumers of their rights in this respect, and to draw their attention to the fact that they can see copies of the regulations?


No doubt this question and answer will have done something to that effect.


Have there been any complaints from consumers?