§ 39. Mr. ROTHSCHILDasked the Minister of Agriculture how many objections he has received to the proposed alteration of the boundaries of the middle 1087 level drainage area in the Isle of Ely; and whether he proposes to hold an inquiry into the grounds of these objections?
§ The FIRST COMMISSIONER of WORKS (Mr. Ormsby-Gore)The proposed alteration of boundaries of the middle level drainage area to which the hon. Member refers is contained in a scheme submitted to the Minister for confirmation under the Land Drainage Act, 1930. Fifteen objections to the scheme have been received. Of these, eight are from local authorities, one is from a drainage authority, and six are in the form of petitions signed by varying numbers of owners and occupiers within the proposed district. A public local inquiry into the objections has been arranged, and will be held to-morrow at March.