HC Deb 07 May 1934 vol 289 c710
8. Duchess of ATHOLL

asked the Secretary of State for India if he will lay upon the Table the memoranda which, following on the publication of the report of the Statutory Commission on Indian Constitutional Reform, the All-India Police Association and the Bengal branch of the association sent to the Secretary of State protesting against the Commission's recommendation to transfer the police force to a responsible Indian Minister?


These documents were received by my predecessor in 1930. Since then the Indian Police Association have submitted a representation to the Joint Select Committee, and have been examined upon it. I do not, therefore, propose to publish these memoranda.

Duchess of ATHOLL

Is it not the case that Bengal officers of police have not been examined by the Joint Select Committee, and in that case would it not be well that a strong expression of opinion against the recommendation should be made known?


I do not think so. The police evidence given to the Select Committee was given by the police organisations. There was no pressure put on anybody as to the evidence they should give. The particular memoranda to which my Noble Friend refers were sent four years ago. I should have thought that the recent memoranda were more up-to-date.

Duchess of ATHOLL

Will my right hon. Friend answer the question whether the officers of the Bengal police were heard by the Joint Select Committee along with the others?


It is essentially a matter for the police organisations. They settle what evidence they shall give.