HC Deb 03 May 1934 vol 289 cc465-6
22 and 23. Mr. GROVES

asked the Minister of Health (1) whether he has considered the resolution passed by the council of the County Borough of West Ham and the Dudley Council with regard to financial assistance to local authorities to make it possible for houses to be built for letting at rents which the working classes can afford to pay; and what action he proposes to take in the matter?

(2) whether he is aware that the West Ham County Borough Council has passed a resolution that, in view of the serious overcrowding which still exists and the waiting list for houses, the council notes with alarm that private enterprise is failing to build houses under the 1933 Act for the purpose of letting to the working classes at reasonable rents, and urges therefore the Minister to re-introduce financial assistance to make it possible for houses to be built for letting at rents which the working classes can afford to pay; and what action he proposes to take in the matter?


I have considered the resolutions referred to, and I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Wednesbury (Mr. Banfield) on the 1st February last, of which I am sending him a copy, but I may observe that, although final figures are not available, over 110,000 houses have been provided by private enterprise during the half-year ended 31st March, 1934.


Does the right hon. Gentleman consider that sufficient?


I consider that it is a large number.


Will my right hon. Friend ensure that, before taking any steps in this matter in respect to the corporations and authorities concerned in these two questions, houses originally intended for the working classes are not let to friends and relatives of Socialist councillors?

24. Captain FULLER

asked the Minister of Health if local authorities acting under a clearance order or compulsory purchase order include in the compensation which they have to pay such items as goodwill in the case of a business and the repayment of mortgages where they exist; and what instructions have been issued by his Department in this matter?


No, Sir. Local authorities are, however, empowered by Section 41 of the Housing Act, 1930, to make allowances in respect of removal expenses or loss due to disturbance of business or trade, and their attention has been drawn by circular letter and otherwise to the existence of this power. The matter is not one in which I have any authority to issue instructions.

Captain FULLER

Is there no means of giving compensation for goodwill?


The only powers are those to which I have referred.


Does that not refer also to the ordinary householder who is dispossessed and who may have lived there for some 40 years?