HC Deb 03 May 1934 vol 289 cc473-5

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that the farm of Pitmaduthy, Kildary, Ross and Cromarty, was the subject of a complaint to the local authority on 14th August, 1928, upon which no action was taken, and a similar complaint being sent to the Department of Health on 12th November, 1930, some patching was done in 1931, but the houses were still damp and there was no proper drainage, and that two subsequent inspections by the Department have supported the complaint; and if he proposes to take steps to remedy these defects of over six years' standing?


The answers to the first and second parts of the question are in the affirmative. With regard to the last part of the question, I am informed that the proprietor is now taking steps to have the works recommended by the Department's housing inspector carried out.


May I ask whether it is not a fact that the proprietor and the appropriate local authority are taking action in regard to this particular case; and in his investigations will the hon. Gentleman find out whether any representations have been made in this House recently or at any time about the appalling housing conditions on the well-known farm of Cowcaddens, St. Rollox, Glasgow?


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that this farm has had standing complaints pending against it since 1928 and that in so far as that locality's representative in this House is concerned no complaint was reported?


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that the farm of Broomhill, Muir of Ord, was the subject of a complaint lodged with the local authority on 23rd December, 1931, a copy of which was sent to the Department on 19th January, 1933; that on 20th March, 1933, the local authority decided it was not reasonably practicable to introduce water into the houses or provide water closets; that on 29th December, 1933, the Department's engineering inspector decided it was practicable to introduce water and provide water closets; and what action does he propose to take to require the local authority to carry out its statutory duty?


The answers to the first three parts of the question are in the affirmative With regard to the last part, I would refer the hon. Gentleman to the concluding sentences of my answer to his question of the 1st instant.


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that the farm of Poyntzfield, Muir of Ord, was the subject of a complaint lodged with the local authority on 13th September, 1932, and a copy sent to the Department of Health, that on 20th March, 1933, the county council decided that it was not reasonably practicable to introduce water into the houses or to provide water closets; that the Department sent its inspectors to report in September, 1933, and that on 29th December, 1933, the Department intimated that in the opinion of its inspectors it was reasonably practicable to introduce water and to provide water closets, and that other works should be carried out to render the houses fit for habitation; and if he proposes to require the local authority to make the houses fit for habitation?


The answers to the first two parts of the question are in the affirmative. With regard to the third part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the concluding sentences of my answer to his question of the 1st instant. I am informed that the necessary works, other than the introduction of water and the provision of water closets, are now being carried out.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the Department agreed upon test inspections being made in Berwickshire and Ross and Cromarty as far back as October, 1931, and that an inspection was carried out, apparently, in Berwickshire, but no test inspections have been made in Ross and Cromarty, and will he now take steps to see that such inspection does cover the localities not already covered in the question asked?


I do not think that question arises out of the question on the Paper. There have been surveys in Berwickshire and, although I am not prepared to say that there shall be a survey in Ross and Cromarty, I am prepared to consider it.