HC Deb 27 March 1934 vol 287 cc1784-5

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what action has been taken by the Scottish committee of the Consumers' Council to make representations to the Scottish Milk Board against the decision to charge winter prices for summer milk in an area with over 4,000,000 people; and whether he now intends to take action on behalf of the Government to prevent an increase in the price of milk supplies to infirmaries, poor institutions, mental hospitals, child welfare centres, etc.?

The Secretary of STATE for SCOTLAND (Sir Godfrey Collins)

With regard to the first part of the question I am informed that the observations of the Scottish Milk Marketing Board on the complaint made with respect to the proposed milk retail prices for the summer months have now been received by the Consumers' Committee for Scotland and that the Committee are to-day hearing representatives of the board. With regard to the second part of the question I cannot at present add anything further to the answer I gave the hon. Member on the 13th March as to future action.


Does the right hon. Gentleman recall a supplementary question which I put to him as to the statement of the convener of the Health Committee in Glasgow that it was going to cost Glasgow alone £16,000 more to supply the necessities of the women and children in Glasgow; did he not say that something was going to be done about it, and may I ask him now what has been done?


I remember vividly the supplementary question put to me by my hon. Friend, but I think the first part of my answer indicates the steps which are now in progress in regard to this matter.


How long will it be before this matter is decided?


I assure my hon. Friend that there is no delay whatever in the matter. The procedure which we are following is that laid down in the Act of 1931, and until reports have been received my hands are very largely tied.

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