HC Deb 21 March 1934 vol 287 cc1209-10

asked the Secretary for Mines whether his attention has been called to a new invention for which it is claimed that it gives warning of impending accidents underground by recording the extent of strata movements in the roof; and whether he is able to make a statement on this matter?

The SECRETARY for MINES (Mr. Ernest Brown)

The instrument referred to is known as the convergence recorder. It was designed by one of the inspectors of mines, and has since been developed by the Safety in Mines Research Board and described in their publication No. 6 in the series, "What every mining man should know." It is being used by the board and by district research committees as a valuable aid to their study of the character and extent of roof and floor movements and the effect on these movements of different systems of support and different methods of working. It has been found in some instances that a period of abnormal height reduction between roof and floor precedes the onset of conditions liable to give rise to a collapse of roof. This aspect of the matter is being carefully studied, but it would be premature to draw any general conclusion at present.


In view of the fact that the machinery introduced for coal getting has increased the difficulty of detecting the approach of danger, will the Minister pursue with the fullest speed possible his inquiry into this matter?


Yes. I shall be glad to send my hon. Friend a copy of this document which gives illustrations and shows that the investigations are rapidly proceeding.


Will the Secretary for Mines inform the House whether notice has been sent to the owners in regard to this apparatus, and what response has followed from it?


We are taking no definite steps in the matter until we can come to some general conclusion.