HC Deb 20 March 1934 vol 287 c1018
11. Mr. LYONS

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can indicate the changes in the law of insurance that he proposes to initiate?


I cannot at this stage anticipate the terms of future proposals, but it may be assumed that any general insurance legislation which may be introduced will be based, with due regard to recent experience, on the draft Insurance Undertakings Bill appended to the Report of the Departmental Committee, generally known as the Clauson Committee, which was issued as Cmd. 2820 in 1927.


While thanking my hon. Friend for his answer, may I ask him whether it is intended by the President of the Board of Trade to deal in one comprehensive Measure with all questions of compulsory workmen's compensation insurance in the case of all trades?


I think that, if my hon. and learned Friend wants to ask that question, he had better put it on the Paper. It is a rather different question.