HC Deb 15 March 1934 vol 287 cc571-2
31. Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that eggs were selling for 8d. a dozen in Devonshire last week; and whether he proposes to take any immediate action to secure a remunerative price to producers?


I am aware of the low prices at present ruling in the egg market. As my hon. and gallant Friend will be aware, the question whether the existing Customs duties on foreign eggs should be supplemented by a measure of supply regulation has been the subject of careful consideration by the Market Supply Committee. In the light of the Committee's recommendation and having regard to all the circumstances, the Government do not propose to embark on any long-term plan for dealing with the supply situation at this stage, particularly as a Reorganisation Commission has that question before it. In view, however, of the rapid expansion of the home industry, the situation would be gravely prejudiced if the recent marked increases in imports were to continue. In order, therefore, to hold the situation for the time being, the Governments of the exporting countries concerned are being asked in the general interest to make every effort to ensure that their exports to this market during the period beginning to-day and ending on 14th September next, do not exceed the figures of the corresponding period last year. The Government have every hope of securing a favourable response.


Does that apply to the Dominions?


Oh, no, simply to foreign countries.


Is any request being made to the Dominions to make a corresponding decrease?


I am afraid that is a separate point, of which I should require notice.

Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a very large number of eggs come from Australia?

33. Lieut-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the present low price of eggs and the large importation of eggs from foreign countries, he will take immediate steps to prevent foreign eggs being sold as new laid?


I would remind my hon. and gallant Friend that since all foreign eggs are either marked with the word "foreign" or with a direct indication of the country of origin on the shell, consumers are enabled to form their own opinion as to the value of the description "New Laid" as applied to such eggs. In any case I think that there is little doubt that the question can reasonably be left to the consideration of the Reorganisation Commission for Eggs and Poultry.

Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

Can the right hon. Gentleman say when the commission will deal with it?


I cannot say. It will be a matter of at least a couple of months, I should think.

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