HC Deb 12 March 1934 vol 287 c11
25. Mr. T. SMITH

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will state the average wholesale and retail price per cwt. of ware potatoes at the latest available date and comparable figures for 1933; and the estimated quantity still on hand?


The average wholesale price per cwt. of first and second quality King Edward VII and Majestic varieties (which are used for the calculation of the Ministry's index figure) for the week ended 1st February, 1934, was 3s. 11d., compared with 4s. 6d. for the corresponding week of 1933. The retail prices published by the Ministry of Labour show that the average retail price irrespective of variety on both 1st February, 1934, and 1st February, 1933, was 7s. per cwt. With regard to the quantity of potatoes on hand, I have no information later than 1st January, when it was estimated that 1,789,000 tons or 51 per cent. of the total crop in England and Wales still remained on farms. The next estimate will be made on the 1st April.


Do we understand that though the price to the grower has been lowered the price to the consumer remains the same?


That seems to be the deduction from the figures I have given.