HC Deb 08 March 1934 vol 286 c1999
47 and 48. Captain ARCHIBALD RAMSAY

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) what is the combined total of oats imported from Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics between 13th January, when the new rates of duty became effective, and the end of February; and how does this figure compare with the corresponding one for 1933;

(2) what is the combined total of oat-meal imported from Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics between 13th January and the end of February; and how does this figure compare with the corresponding one for 1933?


I regret that I am unable to furnish the desired information, since statistics of trade are not compiled for periods of less than a calendar month and the particulars for February are not yet available.

49. Captain RAMSAY

asked the President of the Board of Trade what were the total imports of barley from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the first two months of this year; and how does this figure compare with that for the corresponding period of 1933?


The required particulars will not be available until the 14th March, on which date they will be published in the issue for February of the "Accounts relating to Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom."