HC Deb 07 March 1934 vol 286 c1799
6. Mr. G. HALL

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he will give the numbers

H.M.S. "Nelson." H.M.S. Queen "Elizabeth." H.M.S. "Hood."
Peace Complement. Commissioned and Warrant Officers 97 101 72
Chief and Petty Officers 223 204 213
Ratings 855 735 753
Boys 67 53 63
£ £ £
Annual cost of maintenance (including non-effective liability). (a)362,500 319,300 324,500
(a) These figures include:
Annual cost of personnel (including non-effective liability). 282,700 254,500 239,700
Annual cost of ammunition 19,400 12,200 11,300
Annual cost of oil fuel 19,500 21,700 31,800