HC Deb 06 March 1934 vol 286 c1633
1. Major PROCTER

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is now in a position to make any statement as to the proposals of His Majesty's Government to increase the use of Indian raw cotton in the textile industry in Lancashire?


As I have previously informed my hon. and gallant Friend, the consideration of proposals to promote the greater use of Indian cotton in this country was undertaken by the Lancashire-Indian Cotton Committee.


May I ask when the Government will be able to report to the House as to what is being done, not what is being considered, in relation to this matter?


Is it not the fact that already, as a result of the activities of this committee, there has been a considerable increase in purchases of Indian cotton by Lancashire, and that at the British Industries Fair there were many examples of cotton cloths made from Indian cotton on exhibit for sale? Is it not clear therefore, that Lancashire is taking a much greater interest in this matter?


I have no reason to be dissatisfied with the work which has been done by the Lancashire-Indian Cotton Committee, and I may inform my hon. Friend that a good deal of the decorations at the British Industries Fair was done through Indian raw cotton.

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