HC Deb 01 March 1934 vol 286 cc1260-3
50. Colonel ROPNER

asked the Minister of Agriculture the cases in which the wages of agricultural labourers have been increased within the last six months and the summer working hours reduced?


During the last six months, increases in the minimum weekly rates of wages in the case of ordinary adult male workers have been made in the following counties, namely: Anglesey and Carnarvon, Cornwall, Suffolk, Cambridge and Isle of Ely, Oxford and Glamorgan. During the same period, the number of hours in respect of which the minimum weekly rate of wage is payable has been reduced in Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely, Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire, Northamptonshire and Soke of Peterborough, and Worcestershire. I am circulating further particulars in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following are the particulars:

Increases in the wages of agricultural workers and reductions in the number of hours in respect of which the weekly minimum wage is payable in summer since 1st September, 1933.
Committee Areas. Date of operation. Ordinary Adult Male Workers. Hours in respect of which the minimum weekly wage is fixed in Summer. Special Class Workers. Female Workers.
Minimum weekly wage. Overtime rates.
A.—Decisions made effective by Orders of the Agricultural Wages Board.
Increased from: Increased: Reduced from:
Anglesey and Caernarvon 26.11.33 29s. 6d. to 30s. 6d. Unchanged Unchanged* Minimum rates also increased Rates unchanged.
Cornwall 24.12.33 30s. to 31s. Unchanged Unchanged Minimum rates not fixed Rates unchanged.
Suffolk 4.3.34 28s. to 29s. Unchanged Unchanged Minimum rates also increased Rates unchanged.
Cambs. and Isle of Ely 1.2.34 30s. to 30s. 6d. Unchanged 51 to 50 Minimum rates unchanged Rates unchanged.
Oxford 4.2.34 28s. to 29s. ½d. per hour Unchanged Minimum rates not fixed Rates unchanged.
Beds. and Hunts. 25.2.34 Unchanged Unchanged 52 to 50 Minimum rates not fixed Rates unchanged.
Kent 4.3.34 Unchanged 1d. per hour Unchanged Minimum rates unchanged Minimum and overtime rates increased.
Northants 5.3.34 Unchanged Unchanged 52 to 50 Minimum rates not fixed Rates unchanged.
Worcester 4.3.34 Unchanged ½d. per hour 54 to 53½ Minimum rates not fixed Overtime rates restored.
Glamorgan 2.3.34 32s. 6d. to 33s. 6d. Unchanged Unchanged Minimum rates also increased Rates unchanged.
B.—Decisions made by Agricultural Wages Committees and Proposals issued.
Increased from: Increased: Reduced from:
Essex 25.3.34 Unchanged Unchanged 52 to 50 Minimum rates not fixed Rates unchanged.
Glos. 8.4.34 28s. 6d. to 30s. Unchanged Unchanged Minimum rates also increased Minimum rates increased.
Lincs. (Holland) 32s. 6d. to 33s. Unchanged Unchanged Minimum rates also increased Rates unchanged.
Devon 25.3.34 Unchanged ½d. per hour Unchanged Minimum rates not fixed Minimum rates (certain ages) increased.
Hereford 1.5.34 Unchanged ½d. per hour Unchanged Minimum rates unchanged Rates unchanged.
Leicester and Rutland Leicester—32s. to 33s. Unchanged 56½ to 54 Minimum rates not fixed Rates unchanged.
Rutland—30s. 6d. to 31s. 6d.
* Hours for special class workers reduced from 60 to 58.

Does the Minister think that this small increase in regard to agricultural labourers represents a fair proportion of the amount of money given to the farmers in the shape of subsidies?


I do not think that the agricultural labourers have any reason to complain of their treatment during the depressed period through which we have been passing, and I am sure that it is the desire of all of us that they should share to an even greater extent in the more prosperous times which we hope are ahead.


Are we to take it from that that the right hon. Gentleman thinks that, up to the present, they have not received a good share?

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