§ 66. Sir ARNOLD WILSONasked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that the proximity of telephone poles to the metalled road is the main reason why loaded lorries and other vehicles, especially in foggy weather, do not keep close to the side of the road; and whether he will, in agreement with the Postmaster-General, promote an arrangement whereby the Post Office authorities keep all such posts painted white and studded at corners with red reflecting discs?
§ Sir A. LAMBERT WARD (Lord of the Treasury)I have been asked to reply. While my hon. Friend the Minister of Transport, is not aware that the proximity of telephone poles to the metalled road is the main reason why drivers do not keep to the side of the road, he proposes to discuss the hon. and gallant Member's suggestion with my right hon. Friend, the Postmaster-General.
§ 67. Sir A. WILSONasked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been called to the numerous fatal and non-fatal accidents due to the existence of telephone poles close to metalled roads on land which has been dedicated to the public as a highway; and whether he will 1249 take steps, in agreement with the Postmaster-General, to secure that no such poles shall in future be erected within three feet of the edge of the metalled highway without the consent of the Ministry of Transport, and that those now standing within such distance shall be removed?
§ Sir A. LAMBERT WARDDuring the first six months of last year there were two cases in which the position of a telephone pole in relation to the carriage-way was given as a contributory cause of fatal accidents. Care is taken to ensure that new poles are erected in positions which are the least open to objection, but my hon. Friend, the Minister of Transport, would not feel justified in pressing my right hon. Friend, the Postmaster-General, to remove all existing poles within three feet of the metalled road.
§ Sir A. WILSONWill my hon. Friend bear in mind that there is no foreign country in Europe where the roads are obstructed in this way; and will he consider further the possibility of ameliorating the position?
§ Sir A. LAMBERT WARDI will convey that suggestion to my hon. Friend.