62. Captain CAZALETasked the Postmaster-General what is the cost for postage of one copy of the daily "Times" from London to Calcutta by air mail?
§ The ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Sir Ernest Bennett)The air postage for newspapers sent by letter post for transmission by air throughout to Calcutta is 8d. for the first half ounce and 7d. for each additional half ounce, but they may be sent as parcels by air to Karachi at the rate of 3s. per half pound. These rates are based on the cost of air conveyance.
Captain CAZALETIs the hon. Gentleman aware that it costs nearly 7s. 6d. to send a single copy of the "Times" to India; and will he not try to make a special rate for newspapers, so that those who live in India and Africa may be able to use the air mail economically for daily newspapers?
§ Sir E. BENNETTI am well aware that the charge is considerable. The hon. Member may rest assured that the question of postal rates is always being kept in mind, and if at any time Imperial Airways are able to reduce their charges, we shall be able to effect a corresponding reduction in our own rates.
§ Mr. EVERARDCan the hon. Gentleman say how it is that for longer journeys by train the cost is not more, but 1272 is still 1½d., whereas if a letter is sent by air it costs considerably more for a longer distance?
§ Sir E. BENNETTOne can hardly compare the railway charges with those for air transport. The matter is in fact almost entirely one of Imperial Airways' charges.
§ Mr. EVERARDSurely the charge made by the railways must be greater for sending a letter from here to the Orkney Islands than from here to Hendon?