HC Deb 01 March 1934 vol 286 cc1250-1
14. Captain CROOKSHANK

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the death of Mr. G. F. Hill, of Gainsborough, who was crushed to death in the crowd at the football match at Sheffield on 17th February, and to the remarks of the coroner at the subsequent inquest; and whether he will consider the desirability of dealing with the question of dangerous overcrowding at football matches by legislation?


I have obtained a police report on the circumstances of this regrettable accident and I have also been in communication with the Football Association. I understand that a representative of the Sheffield Wednesday Football Club who attended the inquest gave an assurance on behalf of the club that every step will be taken to ensure that such an accident shall not occur in the future, and I am informed that the Football Association have been in communication with the management of the club and are satisfied that such steps will be taken. As at present advised, I do not think there is sufficient ground for me to propose legislation on this subject, but I am giving further consideration to the whole question. I should like to add that I am satisfied that the arrangements for the policing of this match were adequate and that the accident was not in any way due to any failure of duty on the part of the police officers in charge.