HC Deb 25 June 1934 vol 291 cc777-80
8. and 9. Major-General Sir ALFRED KNOX

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) by whom, and from what source, pilots are at present allocated to ocean-going vessels in Shanghai; and whether he can give the House information as to the proposals of the Chinese Government to change the present system;

(2) whether he is aware that the status of the Shanghai Licensed Pilots Association is derived from the provisions of the treaty of 1858 and subsequent agreements;

58. Mr. R. T. EVANS

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the total amount of Germany's indebtedness in respect of the Dawes and Young Loans and its distribution as between the several subscribing countries?


I am arranging for the circulation in the OFFICIAL REPORT of a statement of the bonds of the various issues of these two loans outstanding, as shown in the Fourth Annual Report of the Bank for International Settlements.

Following is the statement:

and whether any revision of the treaty of 1858 and the agreements is contemplated, in order to facilitate the proposals made by the Chinese Government with reference to the conditions affecting such pilots?

11 and 12. Mr. CHORLTON

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) whether his attention has been drawn to the appointment of a new pilotage board at Shanghai without consultation with or approval of the Consular body; and what steps he is taking to secure the safe pilotage of British ships in Chinese territorial waters;

(2) whether his attention has been called to the proposal of the Chinese Government to take over the pilot organisation at all Chinese ports and to operate them under provisional pilotage regulations; whether the status of the Shanghai Licensed Pilots Association will be affected by the new scheme; and whether there is an adequate supply of experienced Chinese pilots in Shanghai?


I have been fully informed by His Majesty's Minister in China of the new arrangements for pilotage proposed by the Chinese Government. The rights possessed by foreigners in connection with the engagement of pilots in Chinese waters derive from the Treaty of Tientsin of 1858 and from other treaties between China and foreign countries. These rights were codified in the general pilotage regulations of 1868, which were drawn up by the Inspector-General of Customs and accepted by Great Britain and the interested Powers. These regulations provided for mixed boards to make appointments of pilots in the various ports. At Shanghai all the pilots so appointed belong to a pilot boat company. The Chinese Government recently drew up a provisional pilotage regulation intended to supersede them, and His Majesty's Minister has accordingly made representations to the Chinese Government pointing out that the matter is one of interest to foreign Powers as well as to the Chinese Government, and that in their present form the new provisional regulations are not satisfactory. It is understood that this view is shared by other interested Governments.

The Chinese Government have indicated that a revised version of the regulations will be communicated to the interested Governments in due course, and in view of this and of the fact that the question is still under discussion between His Majesty's Minister and the Chinese Ministry for Foreign Affairs, I cannot at present say more; but I can assure my hon. Friends that His Majesty's Government are fully alive to the interests of British shipping and of the British pilots who may be affected.


Can my right hon. Friend say what other rights are now being invaded; and shall we have a return in reference to this question?


The questions put by my hon. Friend were in reference to the pilotage service, and I think I have given a full answer.

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