HC Deb 04 June 1934 vol 290 cc585-723

Considered in Committee.

[Sir DENNIS HERBERT in the Chair.]

  1. CLAUSE 1.—(Alteration of Customs duties on colonial sugar, molasses, etc.) 2,038 words
  2. CLAUSE 2 (Customs duties on hydrocarbon oils in refineries) ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    1. cc590-1
    2. CLAUSE 3.—(Measurement of artificially heated hydrocarbon oils for purpose of customs duty, etc.) 482 words
  3. CLAUSE 4.—(Increase of customs duty on are-lamp carbons.) 12,296 words, 1 division
  4. cc647-71
  5. CLAUSE 6.—(Customs Duty on patent leather.) 11,439 words, 3 divisions
  6. cc623-47
  7. CLAUSE 5.—(Repeal of customs duty on insulin.) 9,331 words
  8. Clause 7 (Amendments as to drawback of duties under 22 and 23 Geo 5. c. 8) and 8 (Amendment as to relief of certain machinery from duties under 22 and 23 Geo. 5. c. 8) ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    1. cc671-87
    2. CLAUSE 9.—(Exemption of certain goods used in shipbuilding from duties under 22 and 23 Geo. 5. c. 8.) 6,381 words, 1 division
  9. CLAUSE 10.—(Provisions as to goods becoming, or ceasing to be, exempt from general ad valorem duty.) 1,523 words
  10. cc691-705
  11. CLAUSE 11.—(Power of Committee to obtain information and disclosure of information.) 4,111 words
  12. CLAUSE 14 (Amendment of 13 & 14 Geo. 5. c. 14, s. 13 (4)), ordered to stand part of the Bill.
    1. cc707-23
    2. CLAUSE 15.—(Provision for preventing smuggling in Northern Ireland.) 7,716 words, 2 divisions
  13. CLAUSE 12.—(Restriction of use of certain goods relieved from spirit duty.) 156 words
  14. cc705-7
  15. CLAUSE 13.—(Relief in case of excessive assessment for purpose of excise licence.) 646 words