HC Deb 31 July 1934 vol 292 c2460

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has yet received a delegation from the Gold Coast and Ashanti protesting against the proposed Criminal Code Amendment Ordinance; and, if so, whether he will inform the House what answer he returned to the delegation?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister)

A delegation from the Gold Coast and Ashanti was received by me on the 24th of July, and made representations to me regarding certain matters on which the delegation has submitted a petition to His Majesty in Council. I informed the delegation that I would not advise disallowance of the Criminal Code (Amendment) Ordinance, No. 21, of 1934.


Will the right hon. Gentleman inform the House whether there is any evidence of widespread sedition in the Gold Coast such as to justify these extraordinarily drastic restrictions on private correspondence and on the liberty of the Press?


Yes, Sir, ample justification. There was, over a series of years, a steadily increasing importation of literature, mainly seditious in character, as well as grossly blasphemous. I am glad to say that since this legislation was passed the flood has largely ceased.


Does the right hon. Gentleman imply that that literature was taking effect and causing serious sedition in the Gold Coast?


I am perfectly certain that the great mass of people in the Gold Coast are absolutely loyal, but that is not any reason why seditious and blasphemous matter should be allowed to circulate in the Colony.