HC Deb 26 July 1934 vol 292 cc2155-6
Lords Amendment

In page 10, line 23, after "revoked," insert: before the beginning of April, nineteen hundred and thirty-eight.

3.43 a.m.


I draw the attention of the House to the fact that this Amendment raises a question of Privilege.


I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."


Will the right hon. Gentleman explain the purpose of this Amendment? We should like to know why this special date should be chosen.


The object of the Amendment is that in the event of any liability falling on the Marketing Board to repay under Clause 3 of the Bill money paid to the Board, the mere fact of the revocation of the scheme after March should not cause such liability to fall on the Board. We make it clear that no liability would fall on the Board.

3.44 a.m.


What would be the effect if the Board were wound up at any date between April, 1936, and April, 1938.? At that time there would be no standard price and no calculation of manufacturing price should such a calamity happen as the Board being wound up between these dates. What would happen in that case? Would the whole liability fall on the Board?

3.45 a.m.


I think it is true that theoretically under such conditions this liability would attach to the Board. The Board, having had the money, would be liable for the repayment of the money it had had. I think it is a distant conjecture and one against which we need not make provision. It is true that a certain liability would attach to the Board and is not removed by this Amendment. As this point has been raised, I will certainly give it my attention. I do not think that the House or the Minister would deal harshly with the Board under such very disastrous circumstances and go to the length of revoking the scheme and dissolving the Board while advances were still being made to it by the Government.

Question put, and agreed to [with Special Entry.]

Remaining Lords Amendments, agreed to. [One with a Special Entry.]