HC Deb 23 July 1934 vol 292 c1536
37. Mr. T. SMITH (for Mr. THORNE)

asked the Minister of Health whether he can give any information to the House about a private contractor buying water from the High Wycombe, Bucks, Water Company and selling it to the householders; if he can state what the contractor paid per 1,000 gallons and the charge made to the householder for one gallon; and whether the High Wycombe Council are allowed by the water company to distribute water free to the householders?


There is no company of this name. The town council supplies water in High Wycombe. My right hon. Friend is not aware of the sale by a contractor of water purchased from the council. He is informed that one householder purchased water from the council at ls. 5d. the 1,000 gallons and arranged with a contractor for its cartage to her premises, that earlier the premises in quest-ion could have been connected with the mains had this been desired, and that connection will be facilitated by an extension of mains shortly to be carried out. The town council also sells water to the rural district council who pay a contractor for its distribution: the rural council are now carrying out a scheme.