HC Deb 23 July 1934 vol 292 cc1512-3
8. Captain CAZALET

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any reply has been received from the Spanish Government to the representations made by His Majesty's Ambassador in Madrid, on 19th April, 1933, with regard to the sums, equivalent to over £1,500,000, due in respect of construction work financed by a British company, the Anglo-Spanish Construction Company, Limited; and whether His Majesty's Government proposes to take any further steps in this matter?


His Majesty's Ambassador in Madrid has called the attention of the Spanish Government on more than one occasion to the interest of the Anglo-Spanish Construction Company in the sums due from that Government to the Santander Mediterraneo Railway Company. In the meantime I am informed that judgments have been obtained by the railway company in the competent Spanish courts confirming the validity of their claims. In view of the fact that the Anglo-Spanish Construction Company hold 98 per cent. of the entire share issue of the railway company, add, by reason of the retention of the amounts due to the.latter, have incurred serious financial difficulties, further representations have been made to the Spanish Government and His Majesty's Government intend to press the matter.


Is it not a fact that this debt was acknowledged and the money promised by the Spanish Government two or three years ago, and that they have not taken any active steps to pay it up to date?


It is certainly the case that the money has not been paid. I have already informed my hon. and gallant Friend that I understand a competent Spanish court has confirmed the validity of the claim