HC Deb 19 July 1934 vol 292 cc1244-5

asked the Minister of Labour if he has any information as to what wages are paid and hours worked in the carpet factories of Belgium; and whether any special conditions for employment therein are laid down by the Belgian Government?


As the reply is somewhat long, I will, if I may, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REORT.

Following is the reply:

I regret that information is not available as to the wages paid in carpet factories in Belgium: so far as I am aware, no information on this subject has been published by the Belgian Government, or by the International Labour Office, in recent years. The hours of labour of workpeople employed in such factories are restricted by Statute to eight a day and 48 a week, subject to the provision that in cases of exceptional and unforeseen pressure of work authorisations to work extended hours, not exceeding two hours a day for a maximum period of three months in a year, may be granted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, after agreement between the employers and workers; the available information indicates, however, that such authorisations are only sparingly granted.

I have no information as to any special conditions laid down by the Belgian Government in regard to employment in carpet factories, other than those dealing with such subjects as the minimum age for employment, night-work for women and children, weekly rest day, and payment of compulsory family allowances, which are applicable to industry generally.