HC Deb 17 July 1934 vol 292 cc932-3
24. Major OWEN

asked the Minister of Health whether it is intended to amend the National Health Insurance Acts so as to bring within their scope all persons who, on leaving school, enter into insurable employment between the ages of 14 and 16 years?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to a similar question asked by the hon. Member for Westhoughton (Mr. Rhys Davies) on the 19th April last.

Major OWEN

Is not the hon. Gentleman aware that if this amending legislation were passed it would enable approved societies to give further additional benefits and so enable the work now being done by the local education authorities to be continued, instead of there being a gap as there is at the present time?


I am aware of that fact, but the matter is probably not as simple as it would appear from the question of my hon. and gallant Friend.


Is not the lion. Gentleman aware of the abnormal conditions which have already been created by driving these boys and girls into the Unemployment Insurance Scheme and leaving them out of the National Health Insurance Scheme?


Do I understand that this is a proposal to rob the children for the benefit of the parents?