§ 14. Mr. T. WILLIAMSasked the Home Secretary on whose authority a raid was made on the Stainforth Democratic Workmen's Club on 26th June; whether the documents and books have now been returned; and what action, if any, has been taken against the club?
Captain CROOKSHANKA report on this case has been received from the chief constable. of the West Riding of Yorkshire. The club was entered by the police on the authority of search warrants granted by a magistrate under the Gaming Act, 1845, and the Licensing (Consolidation) Act, 1910, and proceedings against the club under the latter Act are in contemplation. The documents which were seized, under the authority of the warrant, in the course of the raid, and which I am informed will 509 be required for the purposes of the proceedings, are still in the possession of the police.
§ Mr. WILLIAMSDo we understand from the reply that the charge was one of having fruit machines, or similar machines?