HC Deb 31 January 1934 vol 285 c349
Number of Meals provided by Local Education Authorities during the Calendar Year 1933
England and Wales. Free. For Payment. Total. Percentage Free. Percentage for Payment.
Counties (excluding London) 17,076,225 6,242,867 23,319,092 73.2 26.8
London 3,639,207 2,983,869 6,623,076 54.9 45.1
County Boroughs 23,342,715 3,226,226 26,568,941 87.9 12.1
Boroughs 3,919,260 387,270 4,306,530 91.0 9.0
Urban Districts 6,207,846 220,547 6,428,393 96.6 3.4
Totals 54,185,253 13,060,779 67,246,032 80.6 19.4
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