HC Deb 30 January 1934 vol 285 cc186-8

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will state the number of claims for transitional benefit which have been considered from November, 1931, to the latest available date, with the percentage of awards of full benefit, reduced benefit, and nil benefit, respectively; and whether he will give the numbers separately for Glamorganshire, Monmouthshire, Carmarthenshire, Durham, Lancashire, and London, with the approximate percentage of the population unemployed in each case?


As the reply includes Tables of figures I will, if I may, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the statement:

1. Determinations by Public Assistance Authorities and Commissioners on Applications for Transitional Payments, 12th November, 1931, to 2nd December, 1933.
Period. Total number of Determinations. Allowed at Maximum Benefit Rates. Allowed at Lower Rates. Needs of Applicants held not to justify payment.
Great Britain: Per cent. Per cent. Per cent.
12th November, 1931–23rd January, 1932* 2,198,739 50.7 34.8 14.5
25th January, 1932–2nd December, 1933:
Initial Applications 2,148,650 50.0 32.4 17.6
Renewals and Revisions 14,684,941 57.6 38.6 3.8
Glamorganshire (Administrative County and County Boroughs):
12th November, 1931–23rd January, 1932* 106,952 91.6 5.7 2.7
25th January, 1932–2nd December, 1933:
Initial Applications 90,074 87.5 8.9 3.6
Renewals and Revisions 937,483 90.4 8.9 0.7
Monmouthshire (Administrative County and County Borough):
12th November, 1931–23rd January, 1932* 40,433 69.4 27.4 3.2
25th January, 1932–2nd December, 1933:
Initial Applications 34,971 70.5 24.7 4.8
Renewals and Revisions 343,995 77.8 21.2 1.0
Carmarthenshire (Administrative County):
12th November, 1931–23rd January, 1932* 7,764 72.3 18.3 9.4
25th January, 1932–2nd December, 1933:
Initial Applications 8,711 86.7 7.1 6.2
Renewals and Revisions 59,396 87.8 10.0 2.2
Durham (Administrative County and County Boroughs):
12th November, 1931–23rd January, 1932* 173,113 79.0 16.7 4.3
25th January, 1932–2nd December, 1933:
Initial Applications 123,781 75.2 17.0 7.8
Renewals and Revisions 1,370,812 79.1 19.2 1.7
Lancashire (Administrative County and County Boroughs):
12th November, 1931–23rd January, 1932* 421,837 26.5 51.1 22.4
25th January, 1932–2nd December, 1933:
Initial Applications 318,044 27.9 49.4 22.7
Renewals and Revisions 2,536,751 34.3 60.2 5.5
London (Administrative County and City):
12th November, 1931–23rd January, 1932* 122,805 54.9 19.3 25.8
25th January, 1932–2nd December, 1933:
Initial Applications 201,297 55.5 17.6 26.9
Renewals and Revisions 710,544 67.2 23.5 9.3
* The figures for the period 12th November, 1931, to 23rd January, 1932, include renewals and revisions as well as initial applications; separate figures for initial applications are not available.