§ The LORD PRESIDENT of the COUNCIL (Mr. Baldwin)I have been asked by the Trustees of the British Museum to present a petition which they have to submit to this House annually, explaining the financial position and praying for aid. The petition recites the funded income of the Trustees and points out that the establishment is necessarily attended with an expense far beyond the annual production of the funds and the trust cannot with benefit to the public be carried on without the aid of Parliament. It concludes with the prayer:
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray your Honourable House to grant them such further support towards enabling them to carry on the execution of the Trust reposed in them by Parliament for the general benefit of learning and useful knowledge as to your House shall seem meet."—[King's Recommendation signified.]
§ Mr. McGOVERNLet them go on a hunger march.
§ Referred to the Committee of Supply.