HC Deb 14 February 1934 vol 285 c1913
25. Captain ARTHUR HOPE

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he will consider providing extra lamps on the roadways in Hyde Park, especially on the North and West, in view of the great amount of traffic there?


The class of vehicles which can use these roadways is limited, and there is a 20 mile speed limit in the Royal Parks. I am afraid that, in these circumstances, and having regard to the financial considerations which it involves, I cannot see my way to entertain my hon. and gallant Friend's proposal.

Captain HOPE

When the financial situation is easier in the right hon. Gentleman's Department will he consider putting up some more lamps?


If we cannot have more lamps, may we have larger lamps, affording greater illumination than now exists?


I am afraid I have settled my Estimates for the coming year with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and I have not the funds. In considering next year's Estimates, I will look into the matter.

26. Captain HOPE

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he will consider opening the road north of the Serpentine to motor traffic, in view of the negligible amount of use it is now put to?


I regret that I cannot agree to allow motor traffic on this road, which is now the only quiet road in Hyde Park for pedestrians and invalids, and runs past the band stand.