HC Deb 13 February 1934 vol 285 c1748

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many cases have come to his notice during the past three months of failure to designate foreign goods as such; and whether he is satisfied that existing powers are adequate to deal with this matter?


As my hon. Friend is doubtless aware, the Merchandise Marks Acts do not require all imported goods to bear an indication of origin. During the last three months, eight cases in which there appeared to have been a breach of the statutory requirements were brought to the notice of the Department. In seven cases, the Board have secured from the firm concerned a written undertaking to comply with the law in future, and in the remaining case, the firm concerned are not now in existence. Some further complaints are being investigated. As regards the last part of the question, perhaps my hon. Friend will let me know in what particular direction he thinks that the existing Merchandise Marks legislation needs strengthening.