HC Deb 08 February 1934 vol 285 c1316

Mr. William Nicholson further reported from the Committee; That they had nominated the following Members to serve on Standing Committee C: Major Astor, Mr. Batey, Major Braithwaite, Colonel Burton, Mr. Chorlton, Mr. Colman, Mr. Elliston, Viscount. Elmley, Lord Fermoy, Sir Francis Fremantle, Mr. Greene, Mr. David Grenfell, Mr. Harbord, Major Harvey, Sir John Haslam, Captain Arthur Hope, Mr. Hornby, Mr. Janner, Major Jesson, Sir Joseph Lamb, Sir Alfred Law, Captain Loder, Mr. Maclay, Mr. Macmillan, Brigadier-General Makins, Sir William Lane Mitchell, Mr. Murray-Philipson, Mr. Peat, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Potter, Mr. Purbrick, Miss Rathbone, Mr. Reed, Colonel Ropner, Mrs. Runge, Sir Frank Sanderson, Mr. Tom Smith, Miss Ward, Sir William Wayland, and Sir Arnold Wilson.

Reports to lie upon the Table.