HC Deb 19 December 1934 vol 296 cc1136-7
28. Mr. CLARRY

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will state the respective general wage rates of seamen and stokers in the British Mercantile Marine, together with the comparable rates paid by the principal foreign maritime countries; and if he will differentiate between those rates which do not include workmen's compensation, health, and social services similar to the British standard?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Runciman)

As regards the first part of the question, I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT the latest available information about comparative wages for seamen and firemen in a number of maritime countries. I regret that I am unable to furnish the information asked for in the latter part of the question.


Will the right hon. Gentleman take care that the interests

Comparative table of Monthly Wages of Able Seamen and Firemen on foreign-going vessels.
Country. Able Seaman. Fireman.
In National Currency. In Sterling. In National Currency. In Sterling.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Great Britain £8 2s. 0d. 8 2 0 £8 12s. 0d. 8 12 0
Belgium 837 francs *7 16 2 903 francs 8 8 5
Denmark 158 kroner 7 1 1 162 kroner 7 4 8
Finland 825–875 F. marks 3 12 9– 860–910 F. marks (Greaser). 3 15 10–
3 17 2 4 0 3
France 585 francs 7 14 2 635 francs 8 7 5
Germany 103 marks *8 5 8 113 marks 9 1 10
Greece 4 16 0 5 6 0
Holland 80 florins *10 16 3 84 florins 11 7 0
Italy 470 lire *8 1 0 498.2 lire 8 10 8
Japan 40 yen 2 5 0 40 yen 2 5 0
Norway 144 kroner 7 4 9 149 kroner 7 9 9
Spain 135 pesetas 3 13 8 150 pesetas 4 1 11
Sweden 152 kronor 7 16 8 152 kronor 7 16 8
NOTES.—(1) Currencies have been converted at the rate of exchange on 14th November, 1934.
(2) *On gold standard.
(3) The figures for Italy relate to cargo vessels only.