HC Deb 19 December 1934 vol 296 cc1147-8
45. Vice-Admiral TAYLOR

asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider taking such steps as may be necessary to inaugurate a two minutes silence immediately following upon the broadcast of His Majesty's speech on the afternoon of Christmas Day, in order that all those who earnestly desire peace in the world may be united in their efforts at this time to attain this end?


asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the desire prevailing among all nations for international peace and the spirit of goodwill that is more in evidence at this season of the year than at any other, he will use the opportunity that now offers to further the cause of peace by inaugurating in Christmas week a two-minutes silence, during which interval all true seekers after peace may, by their united thoughts, promote the advent of a lasting peace amongst the nations of the world?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Ramsay MacDonald)

While I fully appreciate and respect the motives prompting my hon. Friends' questions, which I have no doubt the public also will have in mind, I do not think that the particular expression of them which they suggest is one that the Government can inaugurate.

Vice-Admiral TAYLOR

While thanking the Prime Minister for his sympathetic answer, may I ask him whether he is aware of the immense power of mass concentrated thought and the enormous help which could thereby be given to the furtherance of world peace, especially at this season when there is already such a great foundation of peace and good will? May I ask the right hon. Gentleman to reconsider that answer, in view of the fact that millions of people not only in this country but throughout the world will be listening on Christmas Day to the gracious message of His Majesty, and not to miss this unique opportunity of advancing the cause of peace?