HC Deb 12 December 1934 vol 296 cc386-7
56 and 57. Sir BASIL PETO

asked the Minister of Agriculture, (1) in view of the fact that the Outer Scilly Isles and North Coast of Cornwall constitute one of the principal breeding places of grey seals, what steps he proposes to take to enforce the penalties provided by the Grey Seals Protection Act of 1932 against the Cornwall Sea Fisheries Committee of the Cornish County Council for having carried out the destruction of over 100 seals during the present close season, commencing 1st September last, imposed by the Grey Seals Protection Act;

(2) if he can say whether the grey seals slaughtered recently during the close season, under the direction of the Cornish County Council Sea Fisheries Committee, were shot in the sea or on the rocks and caves on the coast?


I am informed that of the seals shot since the 31st August last in the course of the Committee's demonstrations, the majority were shot in the water, some on rocks but none in caves. I have no definite evidence that the seals shot included grey seals, although, as I have indicated in reply to previous questions, I think that discrimination must in many cases have been extremely difficult. In order to prove that an offence under the Act referred to bad been committed by the Cornwall Sea Fisheries Committee or their officers it would be necessary to establish not only that grey seals had in fact been killed or wounded by them during the close season but that such killing or wounding had been carried out knowingly and with intent. While it is likely that a number of grey seals were among the seals destroyed by the Committee in the course of their demonstration during the present close season for grey seals, I am not satisfied that the evidence before me is such as would justify my taking proceedings against the Committee for an offence under the Act. As, however, my hon. Friend will appreciate, I have no special responsibility for the enforcement of the Act, and it is open to any member of the general public to take proceedings if he thinks fit.


May I ask my right hon. Friend whether he proposes to take any steps to render effective the protection that was intended to be given by this House to these animals during the breeding season, and whether he has issued any Order relating to the area which includes the North Cornwall coast to permit the slaughter of grey seals during the close season which is enacted in the Grey Seals (Protection) Act, 1932?


No, Sir, I have made no Order permitting the destruction of grey seals during the close season, and I was extremely surprised when I learned that such action had taken place. As to affording the necessary protection which the House has desired for these animals, I am keeping the situation under close review.


Can my right hon. Friend state whether the seals which are killed are put to any commercial use?


Oh, no, Sir. These seals were simply destroyed.