§ 59. Sir CYRIL COBBasked the First Commissioner of Works whether, in order to improve the present appearance of the Broad Walk with the Biblical fountain in Regent's Park and to tidy up the derelict 212 spaces in the old Botanical Gardens, he will invite the Royal Horticultural Society to help him to convert these spaces into public pleasure gardens and shaded paths, in view of the fact that his Department has no public funds available?
§ The FIRST COMMISSIONER of WORKS (Mr. Ormsby-Gore)I do not agree that the walk requires such treatment as my hon. Friend suggests, and I have received no offer from the Royal Horticultural Society to provide money for altering it. As I have stated in reply to other questions, the work of improving the Inner Circle Gardens is proceeding steadily as funds are available.
§ Mr. BURNETTWill my right hon. Friend bear in view, when spending money, the desirability of making Broad Walk a little less like a funeral path leading to a cemetery?
§ Mr. CROSSLEYWill my right hon. Friend say what is the Biblical fountain referred to?
§ Mr. H. WILLIAMSWill my right hon. Friend arrange with the Lord Provost of Aberdeen to have a flag day on behalf of the funds?