HC Deb 06 December 1934 vol 295 cc1810-2
26. Mrs. WARD

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that a great shortage of houses for the working classes exists in the Cannock urban area; and what steps, if any, are being taken to meet the shortage?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affir- mative. As regards the second part, the Cannock Urban District Council have recently submitted to me a compulsory purchase order for the purchase of 24½ acres of land in Longford Road, the greater part of which is intended for the erection of 236 houses to meet the general needs for the district. The council are in addition at present proceeding with proposals for the construction of 28 houses on other sites. Fifty houses are being built by private enterprise with the aid of the council's guarantee under the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1933; of these 43 are already completed.


Is it a fact that proposals for the provision of the required houses in this area are being impeded by the Minister?


There is no foundation for that suggestion.

27. Mrs. WARD

asked the Minister of Health the total number of houses built under the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1933; how many have been erected in the Cannock urban area under this Act; and how many are in course of erection?

Statement showing the number of houses provided in the County of London and in the Metropolitan Police District during the years ending the 30th September, 1933, and the 30th September, 1934, respectively, with certain other relevant particulars.

County of London. Metropolitan Police District (including the County of London).
Year ending the 30th September. Year ending the 30th September.
1933. 1934. 1933. 1934.
Provided by local authorities 4,433* 4,317* 6,386 7,317
Provided by private enterprise 4,063 6,541 51,823 70,146
Totals 8,496 10,858 58,209 77,463
Number of houses under construction by local authorities at 30th September, 1934. 2,591* 3,227
* Including the number of houses on London County Council estates outside the county.

It may be assumed that houses provided by local authorities during the years mentioned were to let. Of the


I would refer my hon. Friend to Table VIII on page 10 of the housing progress return just issued, a copy of which I am sending to her. The number of houses erected under the Act of 1933 in the area of the Cannock Urban District Council is 43, and a further seven are in course of erection.

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