HC Deb 12 April 1934 vol 288 c476
37. Mr. HICKS

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that certain local authorities are contending that under Section 4 (2) of the Rating and Valuation Act, 1928, it is not necessary for the rating authority to give notice of a proposal to amend the valuation list, and that the rateable value of property is being increased without owners being aware of the proposal to amend the valuation list or their right of appeal under the Act; and whether, in such circumstances, the Government is prepared to bring in an amending Bill to require local authorities to give proper notice of intention to amend the valuation list and of any amendment thereto, and advising owners of their right of appeal under the Act?


The statutory provision to which the hon. Member refers relates to procedure for reduction and not for increase of assessments, and I do not consider that it calls for amendment.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in the particular case which I have in mind there was an increase in the valuation, and that the owner of the property was not informed that there was any likelihood of it being increased, and, if that is the fact, is it not necessary for the rating authorities to give notice in order that an owner may have an opportunity of making an appeal?


I cannot but think that the hon. Member is under some misapprehension as to the effect of the Section to which he refers in the question. Perhaps he will be good enough to confer with me on the matter, and I may be able to assist him.


I thank the right hon. Gentleman very much, and will avail myself of the opportunity.